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![]() Inspiration And MotivationThis workshop is focused on Inspiring and Motivating people to achieve their goals and dreams in the most exciting and unique way. We will look at the best routes to attain their own personal success and engagement. The power of motivation and inspiration enables our clients to remove negative barriers and beliefs so that they can optimize and seize their every situation and opportunity to their personal advantage. | ![]() Shine SessionsThe ‘Shine’ course is incredibly popular for every client. This workshop is for our clients who want to Shine in all every area of their life. We focus on manifestations of dreams, personal happiness & abundance. We do this for our Primary School student clients up to our Corporate clients. We have so much fun, with positive outcomes for everyone to Shine Bright. | ![]() Confidence ChampionThe Confidence Champion workshop is building our clients true self-confidence and bringing it to the forefront. We focus on uncovering the true nature of self and then raising the beliefs in one’s abilities and talents. Our participants make fast and significant progress because we concentrate on powerful ways for them to truly express themselves. | ![]() Communication & Public SpeakingThe Communication & Public Speaking programme allows young people to express themselves in a clear, confident and concise way. We look at speaking with the power of our voice and their body. It is a wonderful way to transform the expand a young person's perspective on their own incredible way to be able to encourage change in their community and world. |
![]() Career PathwaysCareer Pathways Young people need support in the big decisions about their career development. Therefore, we have created a practical workshop for our clients to explore the world of work and give them a comprehensive idea of the world of work. We enable them to identify their skills, talents and enable them to concisely voice their passions so they can follow a career path that represents all the elements that fulfils them. | ![]() Personal DevelopmentPersonal Development is a very popular course as we work on identifying the key factors in living the most effective life and making sure that there are numerous positive and significant changes that begin to occur in the way that our clients look at their life and begin to live a life which is filled with leaving a positive legacy for themselves and the world. | ![]() Genius TrainingThe Genius Training is fun workshops aimed at our Primary School Children and awakening their own genius level talent and creativity. We know that every child is talented and this needs to be natured, developed and brought to the surface as early as possible so that they have a strong self-belief. The key aim is to make sure that they learn the power that passion will have a significant effect of their life, hobbies, career and older relationships. This is super fun and full of energy. | ![]() Become A Magical MentorWe provide an amazing workshop on becoming a magical mentor and supporting and shaping a young persons world in the most glorious way. The mentoring workshop looks at the processes, structure and guidelines to cultivating a successful young person. Mentoring is the future but needs to be done properly by every individual who takes up the task. In order, for the recipient to begin to start seeing the significant benefits that you are providing as a Mentor to their life immediately. |
![]() Mindfulness Stress & AnxietyWe focus on the minds of young people to become aware when life is getting to overwhelming and stressful. Many young people are increasingly dealing with anxiety and stress in this constantly evolving and fast-paced world. Therefore, we provide techniques and tools for them to be able to reduces worries, boost their creativity and achieve a sense of balance. The aim is to make sure that young people can remain resilient and stay in the present moment. | ![]() Millennials MatterOrganisations and Businesses use this workshop to support their Millennials who are navigating this new digital world, the world of work, relationships and then finding their own personal identity. They are now the largest generation in the workplace and have very new and specific life/career expectations. Their goals are fast-paced than the previous generation and the one coming. We provide strategies and tools to enable them to manage their life in the most successful way. | ![]() Goddess MeThe Goddess sessions are for our women and young girls to build and empower their sense of self-worth and esteem. We provide the core tools to develop true self-acceptance. We will look at the history of their low –self-esteem and then extract and reconnect them with their personal strengths. Improve the client’s mindsets and self-talk. Also, reconstruct any negative experience and criticisms so that they can be seen as advantageous. We aim to bring the Goddess out in all our girls and women. | ![]() Off Your ChestMany young boys and men need support in the development of their self-image and confidence. There are significant negative effects to men and boys, if they don’t have a true outlet to express themselves and deal with worrying thoughts. Our workshop enables them to get their views and issues…’Off their chest’. We want every young boy and man to be able to express his emotions and build a unique character of what a man can be instead of what society has decided he should be. Powerful Workshop! |
![]() I am CreatorThis is a serious workshop for empowering young people to manifest their dreams. Encouraging their life journey and providing them with powerful affirmations to live the most creative, adventurous and fun life ever. | ![]() Bespoke SessionPlease feel free to send us an email to discuss developing a specific workshop for your young people. We are well-versed in all things youth, education and popular culture. So lets work together and shine |
Choose One of the Shine Programmes or Create Your Own Bespoke Talk & Workshop

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